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Chelle Mueller
1766Photos (4) Trailers (1)


Profession: Author

Profession Status: Getting There

Work :
Book Trailers

Rate :
$50.00 base rate

Work :
Website Design

Rate :
$125 base rate

Genre(s): BDSM, Erotica

Award Winning: N/A


Profile Views: 630

Last Activity: 1 year ago


Chelle Mueller

Aiken South Carolina United States

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About me

Chelle Mueller does not exist. Or rather, she does by another name out in a world that still struggles to accept alternative relationships and sexuality. The name may be false, but the story of the relationship in the "Daddy After Dark" series is very true. The experience changed me.

Sometimes in the middle of an otherwise stable life, a hurricane comes along and upends everything you believed to be true about yourself, your life, and your inner landscape. My hurricane was "Dr. John Martz," the husband of a dear online friend.

Our unexpected meeting on Facebook was a turning point in my life. John and I bonded quickly, deeply and explosively. He showed me a side of myself I had never suspected to exist and in the process, he learned things about himself he had never known.

John and I are the living embodiment of fire meet gasoline. In a perfect storm of personality, life history and shared sexual kink, the intensity of the flames we generated as a couple threatened to burn our respective worlds to the ground. For roughly nine and half weeks, I would have followed John straight into hell if he would have asked it of me. Perhaps after all I went through with him emotionally, I did.

I loved him. I still do.

A part of me will forever be John's "Pixie Girl."

Novel Trailers

Jun 25, 2016 Daddy After Dark: Capturing Pixie

Work Experience


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